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Connect to a VM

dotbin has some scripts for interacting with the VMs


svm.ps1 is a dotbin script for starting a Hyper-V machine from a stopped state, and will escalate to admin automatically with sudo

svm pistonite


The name here is the name when you create the VM. You can check in Hyper-V Manager


evm.ps1 is a dotbin script for entering a Hyper-V machine.

First, you need to set up an SSH key for the VM, and save the private key at ~/.ssh/<vmname>

Next, configure hosts so the VM name can be resolved

sudo notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Add the following lines, replacing the IP address and name with the IP address of your VM, and the VM name

# Hyper-V pistonite

Finally, setup the environment variable VMUSER to the default user to use when using ssh. This should already be done as part of the Windows Environment setup.


Alternatively, evm <vmname> <user> can be used to specify the user

After everything is setup, you can login to the VM seamlessly from a PowerShell session

evm pistonite