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Install Essential Packages

This section is 2.1-2.2 of the Arch Linux Installation Guide.

Update mirrorlist

Run the following

reflector --protocol https --latest 20 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Install essential packages


We are using pacstrap to install packages onto the target system, not the live environment.


baseThis is the most important meta package that includes a minimal set of things you need, like glibc, bash and pacman (the package manager)
reflectorUtility for updating mirrorlist for pacman
base-develMeta package for building packages from source. Includes things like make and gcc.
linux and linux-ltsThe kernel and the Long-Term Support (LTS) kernel
linux-firmwareFirmware stuff I don't understand that you should probably get
linux-headers and linux-lts-headersHeaders for the kernel and the LTS kernel. In case you have stuff to link with the kernel
dkmsDynamic Kernel Module Support. In case you have kernel modules that need to be recompiled when the kernel is updated
amd-ucode or intel-ucodeMicrocode for AMD or Intel CPUs. See for more info
gitVersion control system. You probably need this
neovimFor editing files in the install process
opensshSSH server
sudoYou probably need this
networkmanagerNetwork manager. The device needs to connect to internet
curlIn case anything needs to be downloaded during the install
man-db, man-pages and texinfoManual pages


There's no shell because bash is included in base. If you prefer another shell like zsh, include it


pacstrap -K /mnt base reflector base-devel linux linux-lts linux-firmware linux-headers linux-lts-headers dkms amd-ucode git neovim openssh sudo networkmanager curl man-db man-pages texinfo

For Intel CPU:

pacstrap -K /mnt base reflector base-devel linux linux-lts linux-firmware linux-headers linux-lts-headers dkms intel-ucode git neovim openssh sudo networkmanager curl man-db man-pages texinfo